Purpose In God

1 Samuel 16

Samuel 16:1-6

Human flaw and failure do not render God's plan stagnant. The man who preceded David as king, Saul, came to be rejected by God. Saul had been called and qualified by God through the prophet Samuel, but because of his disobedience, God revoked his kingship. Samuel lamented the unfortunate events but ultimately Samuel's obedience to God enabled him to move forward with God's plan.

Fervent faith, ardent hope, zealous obedience... these are the traits which keep us relevant and functional within God's plan. But apathy, dejection and arrogance ensure that we will never be. Whichever we choose, God's plan muscles, adeptly, on. Saul allowed himself to be hesitant rather than resolute in the trust and execution of God's plan. He let go of the plow, so-to-speak, but the ground would still be tilled.

In His 'Parable of the Tares', Jesus compared the world to a field (Matthew 13). The spirit and children of God are active in the world, sowing good seed: they implement justice, challenge injustice, uncover deception, disassemble corruption, and protect human rights. All of it direct obedience to the word of God; action within His plan: faith with works (James 2:14). The plan, God's plan, to take care of the people here that earth might become for all an opportunity to see and be, to receive and contribute to, the emulation of Jesus' hope for humanity.

God did not implement Saul as king on a whim without a purpose. The tribes of Israel begged for a man-king (1 Samuel 8) and God relented. Humanity needs leadership that is obedient to God; He is the Great Light, the only light that can triumph against the darkness within and around us. Saul as king, the prophets before him, and David after him were spokes in the wheel that God turned to carry humanity ever to a better quality of life. Good seeks to replace foolishness with wisdom, selfishness with generosity, fear with hope, corruption with righteousness and since humanity has failed time and time again to follow God directly, despite humanity's failure time and time again to follow God directly, He has named us fellow-workers with Him(1 Corinthians 3:9). Fellows of the plow, planters of seeds... but should we neglect our part, we lose our part, but God's plan does not lose its pace.

But the lesson here is not all in caution. We do not depend on humans, who can be wonderful... but can also be flawed and unmoving. We depend on God; He is flawless and in constant, righteous motion. We are His cause and it is in full motion toward heaven, supporting and providing and protecting us while we are still here on earth. A person may be a cog in the machine, an essential part to the purpose of God, but the clogs, the clots, get flushed out so that the living water keeps flowing.

The application of the lesson in our daily lives is first to retain hope. God's ultimate purpose is your well-being, the development of your character and the quality of your life. If you have claimed Jesus, Jesus has claimed you, and presented you to God (Matthew 10:32).  You are never alone in a room, in a feeling or in a situation. The complication, the injustice, the plight in your life is not your permanent state. 

Second, do not neglect to obey the Lord. David received his place as king because Saul neglected to obey God. Saul experienced terrible sorrow; to give up your place in God's plan is to live with a void that cannot be filled. The only fulfilment that actually soothes and satisfies the soul is that which comes from faith and purpose in God. Everything, everyone else will fall short of providing contentment, comfort for your spirit. Do not stop stepping forward with the Lord, there is no greater loneliness! 

Saul and David are scriptural examples. Directly linked purpose with God. God has not chosen us to be monarch over His people. But we are leaders all the same. Called by Him to truth and righteousness. Called by Him to Jesus' standard of behavior as we live and interact with the world. Called by Him to discernment, that we would foster objectivity within our perspective so that we can see lines clearly marked between right and wrong, peace and evil. 

We may not personally liberate a city or topple a nation but God has purpose for us that to Him is just as important, if not more so. Remember that Jesus goes after the one, lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7). With your mind on God, your heart committed to His cause and your limbs and lips obedient to His way, you are personally able to help Him with that one, lost sheep...that seemingly lost cause, lost person that is important enough for Jesus Himself to pursue. How?  Through your humble example as a person after God's own heart, like David. Not as a king, not as a preacher or teacher or authority in any way but as Jesus, a servant. A servant not to a person, a slave to nobody and no-thing, but a servant of God declared a fellow-worker with Him (1 Corinthians 3:9)! Bold, beloved, but also humble and hardy; wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove (Matthew 10:16). Ready and aware for the inevitable opportunity to serve God in His ever moving plan. 

(It is always important to note when speaking about the distribution of mercy to humanity: self-care. Remember that Jesus was wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. From babe to adult, God was consulted about Jesus' movements. Jesus did not allow His disciple to harm even the ear of His enemy (Luke 22:50-51) but neither did He allow even a flawed woman to be stoned (John 8:7). Do not allow anyone to abuse you or your generosity. Consult God about your movements and about how to distribute the resources you have, even your listening ear, your friendship, so that no one can take advantage of what is meant for God's cause).

 Many of God's children will benefit from your active faith but by none of them are you controlled! 

Samuel 16:7-13

No pageantry necessary. God does not choose His prophets, disciples, or people of purpose by anything but their character

After God set Samuel in motion again, no more to lament about Saul but to anoint God's next choice, Samuel went to meet a man named Jesse's sons. When the sons arrived, Samuel looked at the first son's countenance and thought 'surely' he would be chosen. God rejected him. Samuel had looked at the outward appearance but God had looked at Eliab's, the first son, heart. It was not fit for the kingdom; Eliab must not have possessed the qualities Jesus tried (and still works) to instill in us. God knew that Eliab would ultimately fail in God's purpose. Jesse continued to parade seven of his sons before Samuel but each were rejected by God.

It was not until Jesse fetched the least likely son that God made an affirmative decision. God chose the youngest son, David, a shepherd. David was a handsome youth, but we know that is not why God chose him. We know from Samuel's perspective that David had at least one other brother who was also handsome... yet he was rejected by God. Two important things we learn from God's choose: God does not choose based on outward appearance; and God does not reject based on lower status.

It did not seem even to occur to Jesse to bring David to Samuel. Jesse brought seven of his sons but left David with the sheep. After God rejected the seventh son, it was Samuel who initiated David's retrieval. A man may not have deemed David eligible, but God's superior intellect did. 

It may not occur to anyone, it may not even occur to ourselves, that we are eligible to be chosen by God for purpose. But we are aware of one important thing. The one thing we know about David's character is something God said before we meet David: he was a man after God's own heart (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). If our inward self is after God's own heart we possess the quality that convinced God to choose David.

The caution is that we have been raised in a global society that places large, almost total, emphasis on outward appearance. Less and less do we determine a person based on the content of their character. Less and less do we love or chastise ourselves based on the content of our character. If we held others and our own inward character to such high standards as we hold for outward appearance we would be an entirely different people.

But whether or not we search the character of a person, God does. The people you choose to follow, applaud, allow into your life are seen by God. Their inward self is known by Him; your inward self is known by Him. Be and surround yourself with the person(s) God would choose. Someone after His own heart in the way that they treat others! In the values they hold dear. Who you choose to be matters as much as the behavior you allow from others.

Whether or not we develop our own character, God will. The stubborn will resist, the arrogant will ignore, but life will present opportunities for growth and the wise will be humbled. Life will present you with problems and God is, has, the specific tool for each one. Our desperate attempts to fix the problems within and around us: loneliness, depression, disillusionment, with the outward appearances social media and modern day teach us will fail as instruments of happiness. You do not need to be or pretend to be the perfect couple captured in front of the picket fence, the trendy world traveler, the brainiest in the classroom, the wealthiest at restaurant, the fastest on the team, the uncontested recipient of the award... you just need to be humble before God. Acknowledge that it is your inward self that matters then let Him identify the weak spots, and make them strong His way.

In future sermons, we will remember that David had severe weak spots... but ultimately, his inward self was after God's own heart. As long as that is true, God will always see it. And of all the eyes that will ever see you, none will ever see you as God sees you. They do not have the soul piercing-perception, they will not reflect such depth of compassion. Value what His eyes see in you, forget about all the rest. And above all else that can happen to you in this life, you want to be seen by God. You want to cultivate what He has determined is good within you, you want to uproot everything else.

Samuel 16:14-23

God was direct, but merciful and fair with Saul. Saul's behavior caused God to revoke the kingdom, and further consequence was deep distress in Saul's soul. So troubled was he that his servants offered to search for a harpist that might help soothe him. With Saul's acquiescence, they found a clever harpist. A clever harpist, a valiant man and a capable soldier all in one: David.

Saul sent for David; he unwittingly invited God's choice king into the kingdom. Initially unencumbered by that knowledge, Saul came to greatly love David. He elevated David to armourbearer, a trusted attendant. So, in providing Saul the harpist and attendant that brought peace to his distress, God also provided David a front row seat the the workings of the kingdom and the opportunity to earn it in a fair and knowledgeable way, as we will read.

Saul will come to resent David's presence but his love for David will not dim. It becomes clouded, but it never dies. It will complicate the process and subsequently provide David the opportunity for growth as a man and as a faithful servant of God. God understands people and has decided that the most efficient way to progress His kingdom is to use our flaw, and others' flaw, as catalysts for personal growth.

Who would have expected that the new king would soothe the old king, the one unwilling to give up his title? Who would have thought that the old king, by pursuing to the death the new king, would cause him to become kingly? In what better manner could David learn the inner workings of a kingdom than by serving the departing king first, without the pressure of the role? How would David, an unknown, the youngest son, a shepherd, be accepted as king other than by invitation to lead armies... to become famous for cutting through them with the sword, the slingshot of the Lord?

God's plans indeed unfold un unexpected and multi-purposeful ways. Keep your eyes peeled, keep your hearts pursuit of God, because God's plans for you will completely redirect the world's lackluster path for you. You just need to be alert and ready to capture the opportunity. Trust God to orchestrate every circumstance for your good (Genesis 50:20), and simultaneously, for His Kingdom's advancement.