The 10 Commandments are instructions God has given us to live a good lifeProverbs 6:16-19 gives us the further, sharpened, information we need to live as good people. This study begins with verse sixteen: 
These six things the Lord hates, yes seven are an abomination to Him
When God hates something, it is because that thing harms His children. God does not only hate it when we harm someone else, it bothers him when we harm ourselves too. Cruel behavior traumatizes, and harmfully rewires the brain of the doer and the victim.

With His wisdom and experience with humanity, He knows that the following behavior is toxic. Not only to the poisoned but to the poisoner. For while kindness proliferates, unkindness festers. God hates to see us live in festering chaos and evil because he loves us. Therefore receive these seven things he hates as fatherly discipline.

1. A Proud Look: Arrogance is ignorance. Ignorance is neglect. Neglect is wasteful. God does not want us to waste our lives. We each have the potential and the opportunity to make an impact on the people and thus world around us. Arrogance obscures reality; it disallows us to see life at is actually is. When we have a distorted view of the world, how we behave and respond does not match how we should.

Our placement is specific. All around us and within us lie the materials we need to work God will into the world. God has provided, and continues to uncover those supplies, abilities and opportunities as we seek them out. God would much prefer to spend his time and effort exalting us. But when we waste our time exalting ourselves, we cause Him to become busy trying to humble us. For God works tirelessly to restore balance in our lives. If we are willing to discipline ourselves in humility, God ensures that we are rewarded.  
Luke 14:11 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
A prideful look dismisses another person's value. As God intricately, emphatically loves each of His children, He hates it when one of those children is disrespected. God has claimed humanity, each individual, even though He is fully aware of our proclivity for selfish behavior. To Him, it is nonsensical that we would dismiss a person because of a deficiency they have. Because we all have deficiencies, all except for Him, and He never dismisses anyone. 

A proud look does not acknowledge its tenuous grasp on that which it is so prideful about. Only faith secures blessing in our lives. Beauty, power, wealth are all useless but a proud man refuses to realize that until he is forced to. Until he is forced to realize that contentment, happiness, security never came from manipulative, self-motivated efforts.

2. A Lying Tongue: God instructs us to be honest and straightforward. If we adhere to the truth, it encourages us to live in a way we will not be ashamed to admit. If we have righteous intentions every time we act, justice will always defend our cause (even if no one else does).

Not only is lying a distortion, it is also ineffectual. A proper solution cannot come from a delusion. A problem cannot be tackled unless it is identified and captured whole. God wants us to have a clear and stable foundation whenever we begin something, especially a righteous life, because a house divided cannot stand, Mark 3:25. We cannot expect truth from others, or to have true, meaningful relationships if 

Lying inhibits the growth of a person, a relationship, a family, a community

3. Hands That Shed Innocent Blood: God has a gentle, yet fierce heart. He loves His children so much that when they are harmed, His indignation explodes. God has decided the tremendous value of innocent people; He has devoted His whole self to them. No person, institution, ideology or force should be so arrogant as to believe that they have a right to harm what He has claimed. 

4. A Heart That Devises Wicked Plans: God provides each individual purpose and potential while on earth. Those blessings should not be squandered away with useless, regressive, destructive wickedness. We can be productive here, impactful. God does not want us to waste our time and ability on ruining things and people. 

5. Feet That Are Swift in Running to Evil: We must never be eager to choose the deceptive choice, the greedy choice, or the cruel choice. Children of God understand that patience and humility generate blessings into their lives inevitably.

6. A False Witness Who Speaks Lies: God outlines the entire, detailed truth for us, Mark 13:23. If our Father sees no benefit to lying, why do we? We must never condemn others with untrue words. Communication is essential, and therefore out ability to communicate wisely and earnestly is one of our best tools and weapons to survive the world.

The seventh thing is an abomination to God.

7. One Who Sows Discord Among Brethren: The perpetuation of discord is regressive and foolish. The creation of discord is cruel. Peace on earth is tender and precious. In many places, it is rare. God considers it an abomination to create discord in the place of peace. The destruction of a loving relationship, friendship or opportunity deeply angers God. We must respect what is delicate and good, humanity's well-being depends on our ability to be respect sowers of harmony.